Valerian Root Powder

Valerian is an herbal supplement used in treatment for insomnia/sleep disorders, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, depression, epilepsy, infantile convulsions, menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, restlessness, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and tremors.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Curcumin Dry Extract

Turmeric — and especially its most active compound, curcumin — have many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer’s and cancer. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Spinach Leaf Extract

Spinach extract is a weight loss supplement made from spinach leaves.

It is also known by the brand name Appethyl, which is owned by the Swedish company Greenleaf Medical AB.

Spinach extract is a green powder that can be mixed with water or smoothies. It’s also sold in other forms, including capsules and snack bars.

The powder consists of concentrated spinach leaf thylakoids, which are microscopic structures found inside the chloroplasts of green plant cells.

The role of the thylakoids is to harvest sunlight — a process known as photosynthesis — which provides plants with the energy they need to produce carbs.

Thylakoids are composed of about 70% proteins, antioxidants, and chlorophyll, while the other 30% mostly consists of fat.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Natural Lemon Fruit Extract

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of the reference daily intake (RDI).

Research shows that eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke.

However, it’s not only the vitamin C that is thought to be good for your heart. The fiber and plant compounds in lemons could also significantly lower some risk factors for heart disease.

For instance, one study revealed that eating 24 grams of citrus fiber extract daily for a month reduced total blood cholesterol levels.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Fig Fruit Extract (ABA life)

ABAlife® has obtained self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) designation. A GRAS expert panel of independent scientists concluded unanimously that ABAlife® is recognised as safe under the conditions of intended use as described in its dossier in a wide range of food and beverage categories.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade


Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) is a bush native to Europe, North Africa that now grows wild in many regions of North America. The berries of the barberry are traditionally used to make jams and jellies. But the herb also has a long history as a folk remedy for digestive disorders, including constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, heartburn, and loss of appetite.

It was traditionally thought to increase the flow of bile, which is why it was used for liver and gallbladder problems. It was also used topically to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and minor wounds.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Bilberry Dry Extract

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a plant that produces berries similar to the American blueberry. The dried fruit and leaves are used as medicine. Bilberry contains chemicals called tannins. They might help reduce swelling.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Barberry Root Dry Extract

Berberis vulgaris, commonly known as barberry, is a shrub that grows tart, red berries. While the plant is native to parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia, it can now be found all over the world. Its berries have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat digestive issues, infections, and skin conditions.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Black Cohosh Root Powder Extract

Black cohosh (Actaea racemose) is a woodland herb native to North America. The root is used as medicine and is often used for estrogen-related conditions. In some parts of the body, black cohosh might increase the effects of estrogen. In other parts of the body, black cohosh might decrease the effects of estrogen.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade

Artichoke leaf extract

Artichoke extract is sometimes used to treat a variety of health conditions. For example, some consumers use the extract to treat hangovers, high blood pressure, anemia, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, snake bites, water retention, and other concerns. There is not enough evidence to support the use of artichoke leaf extract for these health benefits.

There is research, however, to support the use of artichoke leaf extract to treat indigestion and high cholesterol with studies about cholesterol gaining interest

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade