Spinach Leaf Extract


Spinach extract is a weight loss supplement made from spinach leaves.

It is also known by the brand name Appethyl, which is owned by the Swedish company Greenleaf Medical AB.

Spinach extract is a green powder that can be mixed with water or smoothies. It’s also sold in other forms, including capsules and snack bars.

The powder consists of concentrated spinach leaf thylakoids, which are microscopic structures found inside the chloroplasts of green plant cells.

The role of the thylakoids is to harvest sunlight — a process known as photosynthesis — which provides plants with the energy they need to produce carbs.

Thylakoids are composed of about 70% proteins, antioxidants, and chlorophyll, while the other 30% mostly consists of fat.

Country of originGrade
SpainNutra Grade